How to Draw a Blue Angry Bird, Blue Bird, Angry Birds

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Draw the shape for the bird's head then sketch in the facial guideline.


Using the shape begin drawing the actual structure of the head followed by the tuft of feathers at the top of the head.


Draw the shapes of the eyes, then draw in the arched beak which is also pointed or angled.


Color in the pupils, then draw the markings or bags that are under the eyes as well as on top.


Lastly, draw the bottom part of the beak which is a little open. Erase the mistakes then you are done here.


You are done. Color him in and add two more on top of one another to create all three of The Blues.

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March 5, 2013

Description: Oh boy, the more I write descriptions on these birds from Angry Birds, the more sick of them I get. Up next we will tackle the task of drawing a blue angry bird, step by step. This is actually the face of three birds in one since they all look alike. The Blues are a creation of Jay, Jake, and Jim. They are layered on top of one another in a totem pole style and they where not introduced until 2009. These blue colored birds have it all, and they really know how to get in trouble to prove it. Even though I only included one of the three birds in the lesson, all you have to do is draw him three times to make them all. Drawing The Blues will be easy, fun and colorful so get started. I will be back so stick around to see what I have for you next.

#how to draw angry birds #how to draw angry bird characters
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