How to Draw Phoenix Wright


Make a circle for the head, then draw the shape of the neck, then the shoulder. Sketch in the facial guidelines then you're done.


Using the guides you just made, sketch out the shape of his face, then draw in the sharp hairline. You will sketch out the shape of his ear too.


Here we will begin drawing the eyebrows like so, then the outlined shape of his nose. Once that is complete you can draw the mouth, bottom lip detail, then add definition inside of the ear.


Simply draw out his eyes fully, and when you do this make sure that the top lid line is thick and dark. Color in the pupils then proceed to step five.


All you have to do is draw the hairstyle. As you can see Phoenix Wright has a very stiff sharp style that has lots of edges and points. Take your time with this step so his hair comes out look good.


To finish Phoenix Wright's hair, all you have to do is add detailing to his head of hair, then finish this lesson by moving to the last drawing step.


Finish drawing his neck, then draw the suit jacket as well as the under shirt and his tie. Erase the mistakes so you have a clean image to color in.


Phoenix Wright looks better than ever. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial folks, be sure to leave some feedback.

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January 19, 2013

Description: Well, here is a lesson that is going to be a repeat tutorial. At first sight you would think that I made the lesson on the main character from Ace Attorney, but I did not. Since you have a brief description on the character that I am about to upload, I won't waste your time by repeating what you already know. Instead I will show you "how to draw Phoenix Wright", step by step. He is like I said from Ace Attorney, and he is the main figure. This lesson will show you in an easier fashion on to complete the task of creating one good looking anime guy. He is very thick looking and has a nice clean cut style. This defense attorney is going to make a new meaning to drawing lawyers. Don't go away folks because I still have other tuts coming to a screen near you. Adios mi amigos!

#how to draw ace attorney characters
1 - Super Cool
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