How to Draw Usa-chan, Ouran High School Host Club

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Make a circle for the head, then draw the shape for the body. You will then sketch in the facial guidelines.


For step two, all you have to do is begin sketching out the actual shape of Usa-chan's face like so. Since it's an adorable rabbit, the cheeks should be bulging a bit.


Draw Usa-chan's ears like so. You can choose to have one ear bent or flopped over a bit if you like, or you can have them both stand straight up. Color in the eyes and draw the mouth.


Usa-chan wears a big bulky tie. Here is where you will draw in his tie like so, then sketch in the detailing around the knot.


Almost done folks. Draw the body. This should include everything; the arms, torso, and legs. Make the limbs just like a stuffed rabbit.


Lastly, draw in all the seam lines for the stitching marks. Make sure to add the seams for the belly, arms, legs, feet, and paws. Erase the mistakes before leaving step six.


Here is Usa-chan when you are done. Color this rabbit in using a pretty light pink shade.

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January 8, 2013

Description: This is going to be an easy and cute lesson to tackle. Here is "how to draw Usa-chan", step by step. This stuffed rabbit means a lot to Honey because his grandmother is the one that gave it to him. It was Honey's favorite grandmother who passed away that took the time and handmade the doll for Honey. If you notice Honey Sanpai never goes anywhere without his beloved Usa-chan. The stuffed rabbit is also known as Bun-bun. As you can imagine the tutorial is going to be simple to tackle because the lesson is easy to follow. You will be drawing Usa-chan in no time at all. So go ahead and have fun, and I will get busy preparing another tut for you all. Adios mi amigos.

#how to draw ouran high school host club #how to draw ouran high school host club characters
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