How to draw Alois Trancy from Kuroshitsuji


First start with his hair. He has flippy tiped hair wich makes him look young yet sophisticated and well kept. Make sure that you do not make your lines too dark in case of making a mistake and needing to earase.


Next draw out his face, you can re-draw his face as many times as you feal it nessisary, your lines do not have to be perfect.


Next draw out his clothing. Make sure that your lines are still not to dark.


Now comes his eyes ,nose, and mouth. He has large boyish eyes and a wide grin that sort of makes him look like he is up to something.


Now there is nothing much else to do besides darkening your lines, shading and touching up a few areas. He has multibal shadows in his hair and around his face, on his clothing and under his chin. Be care full not to make your shadows to dark. touch    


Now finish with shading in his clothing and eyes, after finishing with shading in his eyes and clothing your finished

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January 1, 2013

Description: Alois Trancy does not make his appearance until season two with his butler Claude.

1 - Super Cool
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