How to Draw a Chibi Rabbit


Firt you need to draw a small circle.


For the second step you need to draw its whiskers, so to make the whiskers the same height you can draw lines in between them (I didn't show this in my picture, but you can still do it).


For the third step you need to draw its ears. It is the shape of a very skinny half oval!


Draw the pink part of the rabbits ears (it is the same shape as their ears- just smaller!).


Draw their cute chibi eyes!


Draw an upside down pink t for their nose. Make sure that it is a bubble-letter t.


Next you need to draw a straight line down from their nose. Then all you have to do is make a smiley face connected to that dot.


Draw an oval connected to the head for its body.


Draw three fourths of a square for its arms and then draw little lines for its fingers.


To finish the rabbit off you need to draw feet. First you need to draw a right angle and then a curve connecting its foot to its body.

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November 25, 2012

Description: When my family and I were going to our relative's house my sister asked me if I could show her how to draw a chibi rabbit. I was about to show her but then I thought it would be better to post a tutorial on how to draw a chibi bunny on dragoart so that my sister and everyone else would be able to draw a chibi rabbit. I hope you like this tutorial!

#how to draw a chibi
1 - Super Cool
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