How to Draw Chibi Finn, Adventure Time

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Draw a circle for the head guide, then draw out the body guide. Sketch in the facial guidelines like so, then move to step two.


Everyone knows that Finn wears a hood that has ears. Draw out the actual outline of the hood, then draw in the ears and arms.


Now that the top part of his body is done, you can begin drawing the lower half which is the belly and legs. Next, draw the backpack that he wears all the time too.


Frame chibi Finn's face with the lining from the hood. When that is done you can draw out the big eyes, then color in the large pupils. Add the mouth and blush marks on his cheeks.


Lastly, finish drawing out the legs, then draw the feet. You will line his clothes as well as draw the lining for the shoes. Erase your mistakes when you are done.


Here is what chibi Finn looks like when you are all done. Now you can color him in.

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September 30, 2012

Description: Hey folks, I'm back once again on yet another day. Here I will be showing you how to draw chibi Finn, step by step. As you know Finn is the main figure in the Adventure Time series along with his pet dog Jake who also acts as a friend. Coming up with a way to create a chibi Finn was a little complicated because I really wanted him to come out the cutest of them all. I think I may have accomplished my overall goal, now hopefully you guys will have fun recreating chibi Finn. Well, I guess that's about all I can really say. Enjoy drawing chibi Finn, and I will be back with another fun tut for you all. Peace people!

#how to draw adventure time characters
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