How to Draw Mary Katherine, Mary Katherine Epic, Epic

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Begin by making a very simple circle for the head and face like so, then lightly sketch in the facial guideline.


Draw out the actual shape of the face, and notice how Mary Katherine has a pointed chin.


Draw in her long slender neck, then some of her hair which is resting on her left shoulder. You will also need to draw out the shoulders too.


Here is where you will fill the face with a lot of hair. Mary Katherine's hair is tied in a low hanging ponytail in a very scruffy style. Her bangs come out and rests on the sides of her face as you can see here. Sketch in the detailing hair pieces l   


For the last step you will draw out the shapes of her eyes, then draw or color in the eyebrows. The top lids of her eyes should be dark and bold. Sketch out her nose, nostrils and mouth as well. Erase the mistakes that you made along the way.


Here is Mary Katherine when you are all done. Now you can color her in using the color scheme from the colored image you see as the thumbnail.

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July 3, 2012

Description: I'm sorry to say, even though this tutorial on "how to draw Mary Katherine" is awesome and very realistic, I don't know what I could possibly say about the characters description because there is no recent information on her. I just watched the trailer for the upcoming movie 'Epic' and I have to tell ya, it looks, well, epic. There is a secret world of small people that hide their existence from the humans. These tiny people ride on hummingbirds, live in the tall grass, and everything around them is just as it should be because everything that mother nature provided has a purpose. I'm a big fan of fairytale type stories, and because of this I really took a liking to this particular tale. Epic was first a book by a different name before being made a movie. Mary Katherine is the main figure of the story so I guess you will be seeing a lot of her in 2013 when the movie hits theaters. The same creators that brought us Rio and Ice Age are at it again with Epic. You will definitely enjoy drawing Mary Katherine if you are a fan of the book, and soon to be film. I will leave you to this tut because I still have some more stuff to do. Adios people and enjoy!

#how to draw epic #how to draw epic characters
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