How to Draw a Shocked Face


Draw a circle, and draw a cross-like line formation inside. This serves as a map for the face.


Now draw the outline for hands, arms, and shoulders. Draw the hairline too, but keep in mind that the hairline on a real person starts about 4 or 5 finger-lengths(horizontally)distance apart from the eyebrows, so give a little space from where you're   


Now draw parts of the face. I always make my eyes have an oval-ish base to them, so draw a semi-oval kind of shape on the line designated for your eyes. Draw the nose right above your lips(you might want to consider using a small circle as a base to    


Now to draw the hair and actual eyes. I like to make my hair big and curly, so I just draw curved lines everywhere. Draw the eyes around the oval base, and proceed to draw eyelashes and such.


Now start to draw the hand, along with the shoulders and arms. I draw the clavicle(the lines on the upper chest) on my people to where it's visible.


Now you should draw the accessories and clothing. I like a lot of bracelets on my people lol


Erase the sketchy lines and voila! I added the comic-book-decorations in the back just for kicks lol

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July 1, 2012

Description: Haha if not clearly evident, this is very 'Jem and the Holograms' inspired XD I wanted to make another version of my surprised face tutorial because I feel like I could have done better. Enjoy!

#how to draw faces #draw people
1 - Super Cool
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