How to Draw Otonashi, Yuzuru, Angel Beats

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Start with a large circle for the head, then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Draw out the shape of the face which sort of looks like the end of a diamond as you can tell, then draw in the pointed bangs for his hairstyle.


Next, draw in the ears, shapes of his eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth. When that is done you will need to sketch in the detailing to the insides of the ears as well as on top of his eyes.


Lastly, finish Otonashi off by sketching out the rest of his hairstyle, then draw in the shape of his neck. Notice how the hair falls or rests on the back of his neck. Erase the mistakes to clean up the drawing.


Here is what Otonashi looks like when you are all done. Now you can color him in to bring this Angel Beats character to life.

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June 29, 2012

Description: This last character that I am about to submit is also from the Angel Beats series. He is sort of new to the whole story so bear with me as far as information goes. Here is "how to draw Yuzuru Otonashi", step by step. He came to the Afterlife recently with no recollection of who he is or where he is from. His memory was lost so not knowing what happened to him he soon joins the SSS. The reason why Yuzuru chooses to join the SSS is to find a way to retrieve his memories. Even though the lesson has the title of Yuzuru, he is also commonly called Otonashi. Now because he has no clue who he is, he takes on everyday that goes by with caution. Yuri fills in Otonashi with all the 411 on who is who, and what is what. Taking on all this information seems confusing to the newcomer, but he soon adapts to what is thrown at him. He hangs with Hinata a lot and often chats with him to become friends. Otonashi will sometimes joke about his sexuality, so who knows if he is heterosexual, or bisexual. Anyways, this tutorial should be amusing to those that are fans of the series, and to those that asked for him for a step by step tutorial. He will be pretty simple to recreate so don't get your panties in a twist. I shall return tomorrow with more drawing fun so come back around to see what I will have for you all.

#how to draw angel beats #how to draw angel beats characters
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