How to Draw Hawkeye, Jeremy Renner

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Begin by making a medium shaped circle for Haweye's head, then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Using the circle you just made, start sketching out the actual shape and structure of Hawkeye or Jeremy's face. This should include the forehead, cheek, chin, and jawline. Don't forget to add the ear shape too. Also, sketch in the scratchy looking ha   


The next thing you will need to do is start the drawing process for the facial features. Start with the eyebrows and be sure to keep the characteristics of Jeremy's face by making the expression on his face the way you see it here. Once the brows are   


Jeremy is coming along just fine as you can see. What we will tackle next is the wrinkles on his forehead, then draw the high pitched hair bang like so. Finish drawing out his eyes, then sketch in the frown lines around the mouth, as well as finish t   


You will now draw the rest of his hairstyle, then sketch out the shape of the neck like so. Draw the high jacket collar which is very simple to do. Add a button, then proceed to step six where you will be finishing him off.


Lastly, draw the shoulders, then draw the detailing lines that makes up the jacket design. These lines are actually embedded into the material of the jacket. Erase your mistakes then you're done.


Here is Hawkeye when you are all finished. Now color him in then you're done.

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June 16, 2012

Description: You guys asked for it, so here it is. A cartoon style tutorial on "how to draw Hawkeye, or Jeremy Renner", step by step. Jeremy Renner is on his way to becoming a very noticeable actor. Despite the fact that he has played in a numerous amount of movies, he made his debut appearance in the film Senior Trip back in 1995. After that Jeremy Renner went onto doing other films like S.W.A.T, Hurt locker, The Town, Dahmer, 28 Weeks later, as well as others that I will not list at this time because it would take too long. Besides from staring as Hawkeye in The Avengers, you can also see him in the new Mission Impossible movie. Anyways I think I nailed it as far as turning Jeremy into a cartoon figure. He is becoming one of my favorite actors and I think it's because of his personality on screen. I hope you enjoy this version of drawing Hawkeye played by Jeremy Renner. I will return with some more fun loving lessons soon enough. Adios people and enjoy!

#how to draw justice league characters #how to draw the avengers characters
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