How to Draw Umi, From Up Poppy Hill

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Begin with a circle for the head guide and sketch in the facial guideline as well.


You will now begin sketching out the lower portion of Umi's face. Notice how the lining is sharp which makes her chin pointed. Incorporate the shapes of her ears, then move to step three.


For now you will make Umi's face look like a boy. I say this because you will need to draw the top part of her head in the form of hair, then give her some chunky style bangs. When that is done, draw in the eyebrows, thick eyelids, and then the shape   


Umi has pigtails that are braided. Instead of getting all detailed with the braid, an easy way to draw braids is to start at the base of the head, and make soft jagged lines on both side. This will give you crimp style lining that looks like braids.    


For the final step all you have to do is draw the shape of her neck as well as the shoulders. Draw in the shirt, but only the collar is visible. Erase the mistakes through out the drawing so you have a nice clean sketch to color in.


Here is Umi from the anime film From Up on Poppy Hill. Color her in and you're done!

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April 30, 2012

Description: Well guys enough with the poppycock, it’s time to get busy with uploading some new stuff from upcoming movies. Studio Ghibli produced this movie that Disney will be presenting, it’s called "From Up on Poppy Hill". I will begin by submitting some tutorials on two of the main characters. So here is "how to draw Umi", step by step. Her full name is Umi Matsuzaki, and she and her family run a lodging home. I'm not quite sure what the movie is supposed to be about so my description might be a little off. From Up on Poppy Hill basically follows two individuals that meet, and Umi is one of them. She meets a boy name Shun and together they try their hardest to restore an old building nicknamed ‘Quartier Latin’. It’s sort of a difficult story to describe, and if I looked any deeper into the plot, I will spoil the film for myself and I don’t want to do that. Instead I will teach you the easiest way to draw Umi and you can see how you do from there. Stick around because there is more drawing fun coming your way. Adios people and enjoy!

#how to draw from up on poppy hill characters #how to draw from up on poppy hill
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