How to Draw Rosary Beads, Rosary

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For the first step you have to draw a heart shape and you can alter the shape and style of the heart that you like most.


Following the heart lining, begin drawing the beads starting in the center of the heart's middle point. You can chose to proceed to the left or to the right, which ever way is easiest for you to handle. Continue with making the beads until it is all    


You will now draw dashes to connect each bead to each other like so. Notice how there is a dash from the bead at the tip of the hearts point. This is for the cross.


And lastly, draw in the cross. Again, you can choose to go with any style cross you want. I wanted to keep my rosary simple, so I went with a simple cross. Erase the mistakes that you made through the lesson, and then you are done.


Here is what the drawing looks like when you are all done. Color in them in any shade you want and show folks what you have just created wither by showing them, or submitting your drawing to Dragoart.

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December 3, 2011

Description: Yesterday I had an idea to make a lesson on something that millions of people use, and hold sacred. Since Christmas is just right around the corner, I thought that making a lesson on "how to draw rosary beads", step by step would be something that folks would appreciate. Rosary beads are commonly used amongst folks who follow the Catholic faith. I don’t know too much about what the rosary stands for because I myself am Christian. I can however tell you that the Rosary is also known as prayer beads and they represent a series of prayers for each bead on a rosary. The first prayer is ‘Lord’s Prayer, followed by Hail Mary, Glory Be to the Father, and Fatima Prayer’. I was going to do one of two things, either make a rosary wrapped around a rose, or make something simple which is a set of rosary beads spread out in the shape of a heart with the cross in the center. I tried both sketches and obviously I ended up liking the heart design. It is simple enough for anyone to tackle, and it can even be colored in any shade you like. I know you will enjoy this tutorial because there are plenty of people out there that use these beads faithfully. So I hope you like drawing a rosary, or rosary beads. I will be back with some more cool tutorials for you all so try and stay tuned in on this chilly Saturday. Peace out people and God bless.

#how to draw hearts #draw hearts
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