Painting Practice

Painting Practice

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March 2, 2014

Woah, I never knew painting icebergs was so fun O.o Anyways these were some quick paintings I did in Photoshop for some practice. This was super fun and I highly recommend if you are looking to improve that you try this! My favourite out of this bunch is the iceberg, I spent the most time on that, maybe an hour, and it is the most detailed of all of them. The little scene with the hills and the trees was the first one I did for a warm-up, I don't like it much but meh. I hate the rock in the bottom corner, but oh well. I do like the iceberg and the lava and the mossy tree, and this certainly helped with my painting skills. Hopefully now I will be able to create better backgrounds. Thanks for looking!

1 - Super Cool
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