The Triquetra Circle from Charmed

The Triquetra Circle from Charmed
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August 6, 2010

This is the symbol for the Charmed ones. Charmed is an awesome show about three witches: Prue, Piper and Phoebe Halliwell. In the season finale of well I dont really knw which season it was, Prue was killed by a demon. Thus the end of the Charmed Ones. So everyone thought. But the girl's mother had an affair with her whitelighter and next thing u know she had another daughter, Paige so they were able to continue being the Charmed Ones. Well you know what I was only in preshcool when this show was still airing but I remembered all of them this entire time soooo ya... but I don't really remember a lot of this so there isn't much left to say...well bye! plz tell me what u think!

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