How to Draw a Piano

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Before you start this step I must tell you that you will probably need a ruler and a pink eraser. The construction of the piano is boxy and full of straight line. You will start this step by drawing the body frame of the piano as you see here. First    


Now you will start to draw the dimensional lines that will give the body of the piano it's three dimensional shape. Start by drawing out the lines on the top. The whole top of the piano's body is called the case so if I use the word "case" you will k   


Now you will still keep drawing out the dimensional lines until your case has a good solid and chiseled look and feel. The music desk (which is what you place your sheet music on) should also be detailed in the same manner. The base where your pedals   


Now in this part you will start drawing out the top part of the piano or the "lid". You will make sure that the back of the lid has a rounded back as well as the back part that is the widest. You will then detail and thicken the lid stand. You will n   


This is your last drawing step and what you will first do is start erasing all the lines you don not need that you drew in previous steps. Now you will carefully draw out every key on the keyboard all 88. This is including the 36 black keys and the 5   


This is what your finished piano should look like when you are completely done. The whole drawing took me 3 hours and then another two just to make the tutorial. All you have to do is color it in either black or white and you are done. You have just    

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September 24, 2008

Description: I am really excited about this next tutorial because it is going to be on another musical instrument. Today you will learn how to draw a piano. But before I show you how to tackle this drawing tutorial, let’s talk about the history of this beautiful sounding piece. First off the piano was created and invented by an Italian fellow named Bartolomeo Cristofori from Florence Italy. The very first piano’s birth date is not quite clear, but it is believed to be somewhere in the mid 1600’s. The name he gave his invention was called the “arcicembal che fa il piano e il forte” which was a harpsichord based invention called the pianoforte short for piano. A harpsichord was a musical instrument that was played with a keyboard very much like the piano. Bartolomeo Cristofori was a harpsichord maker and from that, he wanted to build something that carried a sweet harmonious melody with either a hard tone or a gentle tone. Before death, he was able to finish 20 versions of the pianoforte. Cristofori died in 1731 at the age of 75. Before he died his main goal was to modify the harpsichord while keeping the basic body design. What he was going for was to have the hammers strike the string and bounce back instead of bouncing violently, and lastly it must be possible to keep playing a note consistently while playing to carry a fast paced tune. From Bartolomeo Cristofori invention of the pianoforte later attracted other inventers that took the concept of what he created and made it better over the years. It was an article that was written and published by Scipione Maffei about the new invention that Cristofori built that got other inventers excited about this new musical concept. A fellow named Gottfried Silbermann who was an organ builder, took Cristofori’s design and created the forerunner of the damper pedal. What this did was allow the dampers to be lifted at once from all the strings. It was the organ builder that ran the improvement by Johann Sebastian Bach but unfortunately he did not approve of the modification until some time after. When the late 1800’s hit, piano making became more popular. Two women by the name of Nannette Stein and Johann Andreas Stein joined with a fellow named Anton Walter to build the first Viennese style piano. These types of pianos were built from wooden frames; two strings a note, and leather-covered hammers. The piano has produced beautiful music played and created by talented artist and musicians like Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Ludwig van Beethoven. This tutorial is going to show you how to draw a piano step by step. I hope that you enjoyed this brief description on the piano and I also hope that you enjoy this drawing tutorial on one of the world’s most important musical inventions ever created.

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