How to Draw Charmander

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Now first you will draw out the shape of the Charmander's head which is almost like a football shape with some facial guidelines drawn in. Next draw out the shape of his body that sort of resembles a big egg. After that you can draw out the line for    


Here you will start to draw out and shape his face and head. First shape out the right side of his face and then draw in the mouth and jaw. Now the eyes are next and then the shape of his arm, hand, and tail. After that is complete you will now star   


In this step you will draw in and detail the eyes and make two small holes for the nose. Now draw out the right arm and hand then the rest of the tail and the flame as well. The rest of his left foot and then his clawed toe nails on both feet are nex   


Finish off Charmander's tail and extra details that will complete this Pokemon. Take your time as things can get hasty.


When you are done cleaning up your drawing you should end up with something that looks like this. See how easy that was now you can color him in. That ends this tutorial on how to draw Charmander from Pokemon step by step.

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July 26, 2008

Description: So I thought I would do another tutorial on a character from the Pokemon series. When I was like eight I loved watching this show like you wouldn’t believe. One of my favorite characters from the animated show was Charmander. So that is what you will learn how to draw today. I will show you just how easy it is to draw Charmander from Pokemon. Now as you know Ash is the one that owned a Charmander which he found as an abandoned Pokemon. It was Ash, Misty, and Brock that came across this confused and lost little guy. He was previously owned by trainer Damian but unfortunately he only cared about having strong Pokemon that stood a strong chance to winning a fighting match. It was very difficult for Ash to get Charmander to move from it’s where he was first left behind. The confused Pokemon refused to move form his spot because he was waiting for his trainer Damian which had no intentions of returning for him. The description of this Pokemon was weird. He is considered a reptilian creature that had a striking resemblance to a dinosaur and a salamander mixed. His signature mark was his burning flame on the tip of his tail that burned indefinitely. The flame never goes out and he was born with a flaming tail as well. Now some may say that if the flame of a Charmander goes out, that is the day it dies. The heritage of this Pokemon may very well be from some sort of Dragon like creature as well as a Magmar because of the burning flames. In any part this is still one of may favorited Pokemon because of the fact he looks like a reptilian creature. So that is why I chose to show you today how to draw Charmander from Pokemon. This step by step online tutorial will give you detailed easy to read instructions to help make drawing a whole lot easier to do. So have fun and remember practice makes perfect. Peace out people.

#draw pokemon #how to draw a pokemon #how to draw pokemon #how to draw characters from pokemon #draw pokemons #draw a pokemon creature #draw a pokemon #how to draw pokemon characters #drawing pokemon #drawing a pokemon
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