How to Draw Betty Boop

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The first step to drawing out Betty Boop is drawing out the shape of her oddly big head. I like to think that she has a basketball shaped head just to make things easier. So that is what you will draw out first. Next sketch in facial guidelines and t   


Next, draw out two perfect small circles for her big green eyes and then the shape of her lips. Don't forget to sketch the shape of her face.


This is were you will finish sketching out her hair on the top of her head now. Her curls resemble fire flames so that is what you will draw next.


In this step you will lightly sketch out the arms and hands. She has large bangles around her wrists. These should look as if they're gripping her wrists. Once you've done this, move onto step 5.


In this step you will start to sketch out her curves and dress. She's in pose that shows her character very well, so make sure the dress is shaped right. Below the dress add a line for the right leg. Don't miss the hand and earring as well.


Ok this is basically the final step for Betty Boop. Here you will sketch out the remainder of her legs. The high heels should be easy since they are small. Betty has a signature mark on her leg which is the garter. It has a cute little heart in the m   


This is what your finished Betty Boop should look like when you have completed your drawing and cleaned up your sketch. Color her in and add her to your collection. That will end this tutorial on how to draw Betty Boop character step by step. I hope    

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July 16, 2008

Description: For this last tutorial of the night, I wanted to share with you a character that reminds me of my dear old mother. I say that because this next character that I am going to show you how to draw resembles my mom in a lot of ways. First off let me tell you who you will be drawing. Today I will teach you how to draw Betty Boop. Betty Boop is a lovely, charming, innocent, loving character that has been around since the thirties. This explains the reason why my mom reminds me of Betty. Like my mom Betty has black curly hair and big brown eyes. Both of them look great in black or red and have fun personalities. They both resemble each other and I once told my mother that she should get a tattoo of Betty Boop right on her hip just to say "I’m sexy". Anyways let’s get back to talking about Betty. This fun animated character made her animated film debut as a curvaceous canine cabaret singer in the short "Dizzy Dishes”. I know what you’re thinking “a canine?” The answer is yeah, a canine. Now, the reason why she was first developed as a canine was because so she can play opposite Bimbo, who was a diminutive dog who had been the Fleischer Studios' answer to Mickey Mouse before Betty came along and joined the crew. As time went on Betty Boop became more of a normal looking woman and continued her career in the Fleischer "Talkartoon" series. By this time she traded her floppy ears for hoped earrings and became the first female animated star that gained popularity almost instantly. Betty Boop has unique character appeals like her distinguishable baby face, her little-girl voice, the way she holds an independent attitude and yet still manages to keep up her womanly charms. She was also the first female cartoon character that had no need for a man. Even though Betty evolved into a human woman, her boyfriend remained a canine which was Bimbo. One of Betty’s famous four words that stuck with folks around the world is “boop-oop-a-doop”. At the end of each “doop” she would give a little hiccup sound to create more of a seductive sound. Either way I love Betty and I know my mom grew up watching reruns of her on TV and vhs. I show you just how easy it is to draw Betty Boop character step by step. Have fun with this one and remember art is a fantastic thing.

#draw betty boop
1 - Super Cool
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