Lovers Drawing Tutorial


Okay guys, let's begin by drawing the guides for the couple. Start with the head guides and then draw in the guidelines for the necks and shoulders.


Let's work on the male's face first. Start at the left part of the brow and begin sketching out the side of the face. Continue the lining down to sculpt out he chin, jaw and right side of the face which also includes the shape of his ear. When that i   


We will finish the face by drawing in the eyebrow as well as coloring it in. When that is done, draw the closed eye and make a line of light lashes. Add detailing inside the ear and then draw in some hair which will rest on the back of the neck. Don'   


Let us now complete the drawing of this guy by sketching out his hairstyle. It's a bit shaggy with all the pieces being pointed.


The head and face is done. Now let's draw the neck, shoulder and then the muscle definition to the neck and collar area.


We will start drawing the female next. Her head and face are smaller then the male's face. Start with her forehead lining and then draw the contours of her face shape. The outer eye is closed and you can see her thick, dark lashes. Sketch out her sma   


Draw in her other eye and eyebrow. Notice the eye is closed. This is what adds that expression to her face. That and the pose of her eyebrow. Draw in her hairline that crows the top of her forehead and then proceed to the next drawing step when you a   


In this step we will sketch out her hair style. It is long, straight and blowing on her lover. This part of the lesson is to showcase how close the two lovers are. Every part of them close which is why the hair is drawn to look as though it is clutch   


Add the shape of her neck which is a simple single line. Then draw in one piece of her hair that is in front of her neck.


Lastly, draw the shoulder, arm, collar bone area and then both their hands. I didn't want to get too detailed with their hands because that is not what I wanted to showcase here. Erase the mistakes and guides when you're done.


Here is the line art. Now just color the lovers in.

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March 10, 2016

Description: Hey guys! It's me, your friendly neighborhood Dragoart friend, Dawn. I have been gone for a while because I took a trip with my sister down memory lane, but now I'm back and with my return I bring awesome lessons that will have many folks excited to visit Dragoart again. I will start with this beautiful rendition on drawing lovers. Every now and then I will make a concept that focus' on a couple, but with this one I really wanted to showcase the love between the couple. Just by their facial expressions you can tell that they have been through a lot together and that is something that I was going for. Anyways, go ahead and enjoy this lesson on how to draw Lovers. I will be back with some other cool stuff to draw so stick around.

#how to draw love #how to draw couples #how to draw lovers
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