How to Draw Judy Hopps From Zootopia


Begin by drawing the head and torso guides then sketch in the facial guidelines and the limb guides.


Here you will define the shape of Judy's face and head structure and then draw the hat lid.


We will now draw in Judy's emotionless face by drawing in her eyes, eyebrows, lashes and then the nose and mouth. Add the marking line around the mouth as well.


Finish drawing out her officers hat and then draw in the buckle.


Draw in Judy's ears and then draw the skin lining on the inside of them.


Get started with the body by drawing out her vest and undershirt. When that is done draw the stripes on the shirt.


Draw both of Judy's arms. One is resting on her hip and the other is relaxed.


Next, draw the legs, feet and all the detailing on the pants. When you are done you can proceed to step nine.


All you have to do now is draw the vest trim which is also a reflective border. Erase your mistakes and you are all done.


Here is the line art for Judy Hopps. Now you can color her in to really bring this Zootopia character to life.

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August 10, 2015

Description: This will be the only other lesson I will upload related to the upcoming Disney movie 'Zootopia'. She is one of the main characters, and having said that, here is how to draw Judy Hopps, step by step. She is the officer who keeps the piece and makes sure things are moving forward as they should be. This rabbit is spunky, stern and full of character. I think you will like drawing Judy Hopps and if you don't try something else out.

#how to draw zootopia #how to draw zootopia characters
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