How to Draw Catherine

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Begin by drawing the head and torso guide shapes like so, then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Next, form the shape of the head but when you do this be sure to do it in a nice hairstyle because that is what her head shape is. Sketch in the points to her hair and the short bangs.


Define the shape of Catherine's face like so, then draw in her pretty eyes which are cat shaped. Draw in the eyebrows, small nose and then her pouting lips.


Up next, we will begin working on the body starting with Catherine's neck shape and shoulders. When that is done draw the collar as well.


It's no secret that Catherine is a very sexy looking figure. You will convey this through art by drawing her top or blouse falling off her shoulders. Also draw in the arms and some of her left hand.


Lastly, finish off the drawing by sketching the lace style bra. Her breast are big but not too big and obnoxious looking. Add the pretty bow on her bra and then add the collar bone detailing. Erase your guidelines and shapes as well.


This is what the line art of your drawing should look like when you are all done. Now you can go ahead and have fun coloring in this pretty face.

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July 22, 2015

Description: So, LunarMiri asked if I could make some lessons based on game characters from a console game called 'Catherine'. Now, I have never heard of the game, but from what I hear Catherine is a popular game that can be found for both the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360. I also think there is an actual anime for the series, but I could be wrong. Anyways, this first lesson will show you how to draw Catherine, step by step. She is probably one of the prettiest characters I have drawn. Her face, color scheme and even her style is really pretty and soft. I actually liked making this lesson and even though she looks complicated to recreate, I assure you she isn't. Besides Catherine there are two other main figures from the game and they are Katherine McBride and Vincent Brooks. I guess that's all I have to say for this tut, I will leave you to it so you can start drawing Catherine for yourself. I will be back so stick around.

#how to draw catherine characters
1 - Super Cool
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