How to Draw a Tribal Skull Head

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Begin with a simple circle and then draw the jaw outline shape. This is really more like a guide.


Using the front part of your guide shapes, begin sketching out the skull's nose, cheek and some of the front mouth area.


Define the shape of the skull's head and then sketch out the rest of the jaw structure. Add the arched lining for the teeth, then sketch in the indents for detailing around the mouth.


Fill in the the face with a medium to large eye hollow. Once that is done you will draw in the teeth using the gum line as your guide for each tooth drawn.


You are almost done. Here you will draw the bottom mandible in the form of a bolt like shape. This will act as the jawline and shape out the back part of the head. Once that is complete you can draw the tribal design or markings on the skull.


For the final step, you will first need to erase the guides and mistakes, then color in the tribal markings and jaw.


That's all there is to it. Now you can either color in your skull or leave it as a black and white sketch.

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May 1, 2015

Description: Here we have an awesome concept that combines both tribal art and skulls in one. Today, I will be showing you how to draw a tribal skull head, step by step. This time we will draw the head from the side with the bottom jaw being replaced by a tribal slash. I had a lot of fun with this concept and there is still more cool, or wicked lessons coming your way. Try and stay tuned in because you won't want to miss what comes up next. Adios amigos and enjoy drawing a tribal skull head.

#how to draw skulls
1 - Super Cool
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