How to Draw Arctic Monkeys Logo


Let's start with two horizontal lines that are parallel to one another with a slight wave to them.


Next up, draw the letter A and R in a block style concept like so placing them with the horizontal line going through the center of the letters.


Next, draw in the C and T like so, then proceed to step four.


Finish the word 'Arctic' by drawing the last two letters which are I and C. Once you are done with that task, move to step five where you will begin drawing the letters for the word 'Monkeys'.


As I said, draw the first two letters for the second word which is M and O. These letters are smaller then the ones above them.


We will now draw the N and K in a much larger size in block style graffiti letters.


Lastly, we will finish the band logo or letters by drawing the remaining three letters which are E, Y and S.


Finish the concept by drawing the sound wave like you see here. Erase the guidelines and any mistakes you might have made.


And there you have it, a completed drawing on the band logo Arctic Monkeys.

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February 24, 2015

Description: If you like the English rock band, Arctic Monkeys you will enjoy this lesson on how to draw the Arctic Monkeys band logo, step by step. The logo design is not a logo at all instead it's just two words with a pulse music bar line at the bottom of the words. So in essence you will actually be drawing graffiti more than anything because like I said, you are drawing words or letters. Anyways, this was a requested band design so I hope folks who like Arctic Monkeys like it. Thanks guys and good luck.

#how to draw logos
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