How to Draw a Baby Tiger

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Like the anime animal drawing you will start this baby tiger the same way. First draw two circles, one for the head and one for the body. The limbs on a baby tiger such as this one, have stubby arms and legs which means there will be no limb guidelin   


Next draw the baby tiger ears which are big and round like you see here. Once that is done you will use the facial guidelines that you drew in step one to start the drawing process of the baby tiger's eyes, heart shaped nose, and cute mouth.


Okay, here is where you will stop drawing and start sketching. You have to sketch out some jagged looking lines on the sides of the baby tiger's face as seen here because when tigers are still cubs, they have soft puffy hair or fur. Once that is done   


Continue to sketch out the puffy fur on top of the baby tiger's head and then detail inside of the ears as shown to you here. Next start sketching out the baby tiger's body starting with the shoulders, arms and paws. Add the toe lines on the right fr   


Now here is where the fun starts. Start sketching out the tiger stripes and then shade them in. Once that is complete you will add some whiskers to the baby tigers lips. See how easy this lesson is?


Draw the left paw and toes as well as the claws or nails. If you are going to keep the heart theme going, you will need to draw the shape of a heart that this baby tiger is biting on. Next start sketching out the left hind leg and foot as well as the   


Well guys you have reached your final step. What you will do here is first start erasing all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one and then finish drawing out the baby tiger's tail, hind paws, and the "tiger stripes".


Once all the lines have been erased you should end up with a baby tiger that looks like the one you see here. Now remember when you go to color him in you can keep this lesson the way it is, or you can turn it into a tutorial on "how to draw a baby w   

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May 28, 2009

Description: Baby animals are so freaking cute that you almost sometimes forget that they are dangerous creatures that have the ability to rip your head off. Well, not all baby animals I mean a baby cat or a baby dog wouldn't do such things. I'm talking about lions, tigers, and bears. I see that the anime baby animals that I drew and submitted made it to “Drago's top 50” and that is great. There is however an animal that is missing from the group that I just thought about doing. I am going to do a tutorial on “how to draw a baby tiger step by step”. Baby tigers are so incredibly cute when they are first born and up to five months of age. After that they start looking as big as an adult and then start looking intimidating and then straight mean. Learning "how to draw baby animals" is something that is wicked fun because you can make them look so cute and you can even draw some baby like clothes or toys on them. The baby tiger that you are going to draw is nibbling on a candy heart. The paw pads on his feet and hands are in the shape of hearts as well. I was going to put this baby animal under the “anime animals” section but then realized that it wasn't anime looking at all. Instead he came out looking like a regular tiger cub just in a cartoon like form. I have to get going but I will be back soon. In the mean time grab your pencil and a sheet of paper so you can tackle this lesson on “how to draw a baby tiger step by step”. Peace out guys!

#how to draw tigers #how to draw baby animals
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