How to Draw Pikachu Beemo


Start off by drawing the body for BMO. This looks like a rounded box with thick depth.


Next, draw in the opening for the screen which will house the face.


You can draw the eyes, and mouth like so. Then color in the eyes.


On the front of Beemo's box, draw in the control pad which is the buttons and disk slot.


You can now draw in the arms and don't forget to draw the stripes on the back part of BMO's body for the Pikcahu coloring job.


Next, draw the thunder bold style tail which is a tail that Pikachu has.


And lastly, draw the Pikachu style ears, then draw in the small legs and feet. That's it, you are all done. If there are mistakes you can erase them now.


The line art looks like the drawing you see here. All you have to do now is color in Beemo in a Pikachu costume.

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October 28, 2014

Description: A while ago someone asked if I could make a lesson on how to draw a Pikachu style Beemo, so since I thought that would make a wicked cute concept, I went ahead and made one. This is a tut that goes out to the member/visitor who has been waiting to see Pikachu Beemo in a full colored lesson. I think you will enjoy this tut because what better way to celebrate two awesome characters from Pokemon and Adventure Time.

#how to draw adventure time #how to draw adventure time characters
1 - Super Cool
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