How to Draw a Galaxy

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Start by drawing a big plus sign that takes up your sheet of paper. Next draw an egg shape in the middle but slightly off to the left a little more.


You will now start lightly sketching out the beginning part of the galaxy swirl as you see here.


Sketch more circling swirls as drawn out for you here and it should come out looking like a design made in soft beach sand done with your finger.


You will fill in the galaxy shape and make it a bit darker in the middle. As you can see, it looks like a whirl pool smoothed out with your finger. This is actually a perfect thing to draw using a charcoal pencil.


You will start sketching out the clusters and stars as you see here. This right now looks like a bunch of splatters scattered everywhere.


Sketch in more dots and chunky looking star shapes and then try and erase the guidelines you drew in step one to make your galaxy look more real.


Once you are done your pencil sketch should come out looking like the one you see here. Add some color and then you have just learned "how to draw a galaxy step by step".

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May 18, 2009

Description: I see that many of you are loving the dragon face tutorial that I submitted a little while ago. It was pretty cool huh? Well for my fourth lesson I am going to show you “how to draw a galaxy step by step”. Now drawing a galaxy can be a bit tricky because it's not going to come out looking colorful or bright unless you go over your pencil drawing lines with colored pencils or color it using water colors. A galaxy is probably the most fascinating concept that exists bar none. Now have you ever wondered what exactly a galaxy is? Well I sometimes used to ask that question and finally found the answer. When I read what a galaxy really is I realized that something this incredible deserves to be written about as well as drawn about. Galaxies are nothing more than large systems of stars and matter. Just one galaxy has several trillion stars and large amounts of masses that are between several trillion times that of our sun. Our world or planet's galaxy is a giant spiral called the "Milky Way" galaxy which is one hundred thousand light years in diameter and contains a mass of about a trillion solar systems. There are also thousands of clusters and nebulae. To break it down in more precise understanding, a galaxy is a humongous gravitationally bound system that contains stars, gas, dust, and a bunch of dark matter. The galaxy is such a wondrous place and to think that us humans are the only life form living, is absolutely ignorant to say or even think. This tutorial will show you how to draw a galaxy step by step. I hope you guys will like this lesson, there is really nothing to it except for lightly sketching the swirls and adding the stars. I shall return with two more lessons.

1 - Super Cool
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