How to Draw Aurora Easy

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Here we will begin by drawing a tear drop shape for the face that has some angles.


Okay, draw the eyebrows and then color them in as well. You will also need to add a light lined mark for the nose.


I didn't make any guidelines because I figured the lesson is easy enough. You will draw out the big shapes of her eyes, and when you do this make sure the lashes are thick and the lid lines are bold.


All you need to do here is draw in Aurora's nose and then sketch out the mouth or lips.


Okay, so here we will draw in her head and hair which is long, thick and full. Add the indent to the top of her head, and then you are done for now.


Lastly, draw the length and then when you do this add three chunks that curl at the ends. Erase your mistakes and that's it.


That's it folks. You are all done with drawing Aurora from Maleficent. Color her in and that's it.

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June 17, 2014

Description: I see many of you liked the lesson I made on Maleficent easy, so why not make another lesson on a character from the same story. Here is "how to draw Aurora easy", step by step. With this drawing I wanted Aurora to look more like Elle Fanning then Disney's cartoon version of Princess Aurora. Elle Fanning plays the princess and in the film she has long blond hair that has two braids pulled back to keep the long locks away from her face. For those that may not know, Elle Fanning is Dakota Fanning's younger sister which is why they look so much alike. Anyways, this is a really pretty version of Aurora from Maleficent so go ahead and tackle the tut. I will return with more lessons for you all so try and stay tuned in.

#how to draw maleficent characters
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