How to Draw Tribal Snivy


Start off by making two shapes, one for the head and another for the body.


Define the shape of Snivy's head even though it's just the forehead. Add the swirl on the forehead as well.


Next, draw the snout which should be long, narrow and pointy.


You can now include the eye shape which is made up of a large circle, and a colored pupil.


Add the first part to tribal Snivy's body which is the shoulder. The lining should be thick and bold.


Add a filler swirl like so aligned with the shoulder.


Now you can draw the chest and small bird like wing. Again, make sure the lines are not connected.


Draw in a more defined shape for the body. This should be thicker then the loop you just made in step seven.


Draw and color in two pointed cone like shapes for the legs.


For the last step all you have to do is draw the fan shaped tail which only has three points. Erase whatever mistakes you made.


Here is the line art when all is done. If you would like to add color you can do so if you choose.

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May 13, 2014

Description: Here is the last tribal Pokemon I will upload today. By request, here is "how to draw tribal Snivy", step by step. I don't know what it is about Snivy but he is so darn popular. Creating this version on one of Pokemon's more popular species, should be pretty exciting. The overall complexity of this lesson is somewhere in the middle of novice and intermediate. I will let you guys be the judge because only you know what you are capable of. Of course I do hope most of you challenge your skills to become better, but you can also take it slow. Enjoy drawing tribal Snivy folks, and be sure to stick around because there is still one more lesson coming your way.

#how to draw pokemon
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