How to Draw Yveltia, Lugia and Yveltal Fusion


As you can see you have a few shapes to draw out and connect before you begin drawing the actual Pokemon fusion species. Start with the egg shape for the body, then draw in three more shapes which will be for the wings and head. Connect them with bot   


Now that the guides are drawn, you can sketch out Yveltia's head structure along with the open jaw or mouth.


Now we will continue with drawing Yveltia's head/face by sketching out the eye shapes. As you can see they are fin shaped. Draw in the teeth and move to step four.


Next, draw the shape of the neck, then draw in the wrinkle lined collar for this species. As you can see the collar should look very uneven with the lines.


Continue to work on the body by drawing the stomach, thighs and legs. As well as the flat looking feet and toes.


Start sketching out the large wing which has feather tips that look more like large clawed fingers.


Finish the first wing by drawing the base and add small spiked feathers at the end of the wing right before it attaches to the body.


Start the drawing concept of the left wing. As you can see here the lining is clean, but also has a wave. The clawed like finger feathers should also be added.


Finish drawing the wing and feather claws like so, then move to step ten.


Beginning with this step we will start adding the detailing. Add the markings on both wings with veiny looking streams on the right.


Finally, draw the tail and add some small pointed nails on the toes. Erase the mistakes then you are done.


Here is Yveltia when you are done. Now you can have even more fun as you color in this raging flying beast.

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April 30, 2014

Description: If you have been waiting for this fusion to show up on Dragoart here it is. Up next we will learn "how to draw Yveltia", step by step. For those of you who don't know, Yveltia is the fused formation of Lugia and Yveltal. You are not going to see any images or content for this fusion because it is my own creation. This flying beast is thick, strong and has a huge wingspan. Since this is a hybrid or fusion character, one can only suggest or think that their capabilities are a combination of the two Pokemon species it is from. If you are a novice artist but are a huge Pokemon fan and love tackling lessons based on them, you might run into some troubles with this one because there is a lot of steps before you are finished. That doesn't mean don't tackle it, it just means prepare for a challenge.

#how to draw pokemon #how to draw dragon type pokemon
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