How to Draw a Spongebob Yin Yang


Make a circle for the outline for your yin yang.


You will now make a swirl line down the middle of the circle.


Start the first side by making Spongebob's nose and mouth.


Next, draw the eyes, then draw the pupils and his long lashes.


To finish Spongebob's side off, add his spongy holes, then draw his front teeth.


Now we will start with Patrick. Draw the eyes, and smile.


Draw Patrick's thick eyebrows, then color in some pupils and add the speckles on his face.


That's it, you are all done. You can now color in this yin yang using some pink and yellow shades.

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February 21, 2014

Description: Here is a second yin yang that I thought would appeal to all those SpongeBob Squarepants fans out there. Here is how to draw a Spongebob yin yang, step by step. Since Patrick and SpongeBob are super best friends, what better way to display their friendship then to combine them together into one ball. I know for a fact that folks will fall in love with this drawing, so let me shut up so you can start drawing a Sponegbob yin yang. Adios folks.

#how to draw spongebob characters #how to draw spongebob square pants characters
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