How to Draw the Atlanta Falcons

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We will begin by making two simple shapes. They will be for the body, and wing.


Define the shape of the falcon's body as you also define the shape of the head and beak.


Add the lining to form the beak, then draw in the eye. You will also add a nice deep stripe down the center of the falcon's body in a horizontal direction.


Using the guide you made in step one, draw in the wing and make sure to add all the proper spacing to form the straight ended feathers.


Add triangular detailing to the wings which will give the feathers some design and character.


And lastly, draw the though or leg, then draw in the talons. You will erase any mistakes you made have made along the way to clean things up and prepare the drawing for color.


Here is your drawing when you are all done. Now you can color the sketch in and show folks the drawing on the Atlanta Falcons band logo.

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February 3, 2017

Description: Sometimes it can be fun to draw football team logos even if you are not a fan of the sport just because the symbols are cool. That is the case with this tutorial on "how to draw the Atlanta Falcons", step by step. The logo for the NFL team is of a falcon in the most simplest form. Even though it seems to have just a head, you can totally make out the body, thigh, talon, and wing. I may not watch football, but I do know that the Falcons just had a game on the seventh, or they are about to have a game. My fourteen year old brother watches football and I overheard him talking to his friends about the game. Anyways, if you are a Atlanta Falcons fan you should enjoy this tut on drawing the football team's logo. Adios people I have to go but I shall return.

#how to draw football
1 - Super Cool
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