How to Draw Pin-Up Ariel


Make three circles, one for the head, another for the torso, and one more for her hips. Sketch in the facial guidelines, then draw the limb guides.


Sketch out the shape of Ariel's face, then draw in some of her bangs and the side of her ear.


Using the facial guidelines, draw the shapes of her big eyes, then draw the nose, mouth and eyebrows.


Sketch out the shape of her neck, then draw in her right arm which is reaching for the sky. Draw in the hand, then move along to step five.


You will now draw the left arm and hand which is also being drawn in a raised pose. Her hand should be hoovering over her head.


Sketch in the rest of the head shape which is also the long thick red hair. Draw the ribbon in her hair, then move to step seven when you are ready.


You will draw the chest, shape of her torso, and then the dimpling under the armpit, belly and neck. Add those grooved lines on her shells that covers her breasts.


Sketch in Ariel's lower fish half minus the actual tail fin. She is in a sitting pose, and her waist is lined with a seaweed style ruffle.


Lastly, draw in the rest of her hair, then sketch out her tail fin. Erase your mistakes and that's it.


Here is how your drawing of a Pin-up Ariel should look when you are all done. Now you can grab your drawing tools to add some color to this Disney star.

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September 9, 2013

Description: Remember when I said I had another Pin-up version of a Disney Princess? Well here it is. Today I will be showing you "how to draw Pin-Up Ariel", step by step. I love the way Ariel came out but I like Rapunzel's lesson better. Ariel just has too sweet of a face to really be sexy enough to carry the pin-up title. She is like a sweet young teenage girl that has dreams and a view of the world around her. I was going to take Ariel out of context and change her features a bit, but I wanted to keep that wholesomeness about this Disney Princess as pure as possible. I shouldn't be too complicated to tackle, so I feel confident in the fact with perseverance, anything is possible.

#how to draw little mermaid characters #how to draw pin-up girls
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