How to Draw Goth Belle


As always draw a head and torso guide for Belle. Sketch in the facial guidelines then add a neck guide.


Here you will begin sketching out the shape of Belle's face, then draw in her parted bangs which are combed back in a sort of neat style.


Draw in more of the head shape like so, then sketch in some of her hair that is on the side of her head over her ear.


We will work on Belle's face by sketching out the shapes of her eyes, then draw in her thick arched eyebrows. Add the nose and mouth, then proceed to step five.


You will work on getting the rest of Belle's dreadlock hairstyle drawn. As you can see it is pulled back and tied with her hair to hold in place. Add the detailing to make the shafts look like dreads.


We will move along to the body since the head and face is all set. Draw her neck, then sketch out the shoulders, arms and breasts.


Draw the top lining for her corset, then sketch out the shape of her body which is an hourglass figure.


And lastly, draw the straps for the corset, as well as the cross stitched lace on the front part of the body. Add her necklaces, and choker, then erase your mistakes.


Here is my interpretation of a Gothic style Belle. Now you can really have fun as you color her in.

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August 12, 2013

Description: Out of all the four Gothic Disney Princesses I drew, Belle has got to be my favorite. I think it's because she is the simplest looking one out of the bunch. Even though she is gothic, she is sheek. Her hair pulled up in a knotted dreadlock style really is fitting for Belle. This lesson is going to show you "how to draw Goth Belle", step by step. Beauty and the Beast would be a much more interesting movie if Belle walked in the castle as a gothic chic and got a total transformation. A gothic Belle meeting the Beast, and all of a sudden love happens which changes them both. That would be epic. Anyways, I do hope you enjoy drawing Goth Belle, I will be back with the rest of the gang after these brief messages. Peace out people.

#how to draw beauty and the beast characters #how to draw beauty and the beast
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