How to Draw Stephano, Amnesia


Draw the shapes to form the mannequin for your statue. This includes the head, torso, and hip area. Draw the arms and hands as well.


Here you will draw the head which is in the form of a helmet. The helmet covers the head and only shows the profile of Stephano's face.


Detail the helmet, then color in the eye.


Draw the torso shape for the body, then draw the arm as well as the hand.


Draw the other arm and hand like so, then proceed to the next step.


Next, draw the lower part of the body, then draw in the legs and feet.


All you have to do here is draw the sword that Stephano is holding in his hand. When you detail the blade you can move to the last drawing step.


Lastly, draw the platform or base that the statue is attached to. Erase your mistakes then you are done here.


Here is Stephano all done. Now all you have to do is color in this statue to perfection.

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March 22, 2013

Description: I get so many weird requests and this one is no different. For those of you that play Amnesia, you will recognize this figure or statue. Here is "how to draw Stephano" from Amnesia, or otherwise known as Pewdiepie's guide during game play. He is a gold colored statue that stands around a foot high. He has a deep french accent when speaking, and when he does talk he often yells at Pewdie. Anyways, what more can I say about Stephano except have fun drawing him. I will meet you all back here in a bit so stay tuned in. Peace out people!

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