How to Draw a Chick

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Okay this whole tutorial lesson is done in four steps. What you will do first is draw out the guidelines and shapes of the baby chicken as seen here. Draw a circle for the head and then an "egg" shape for the body. Once that is done you will draw out   


Now using the shapes that you drew in step one, start sketching out the lining of the chicks actual body shape and make sure you have a ruffled stroke to make the hair look puffy on the outside. Once that is done you will draw out the small shape of    


Well you have done it after you've finished this step. All you have to do here is sketch out the rest of the body shape for the young chickadee as shown to you here, and make sure you sketch in the outline for a small wing. Draw out and color a seed    


Look at what you have just created! You did it, you have just learned how to draw a chick step by step. Now all you have to do now is color it in and your all set. Wasn't that fun and easy? Now you can draw this common farm animal when Easter comes o   

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January 13, 2009

Description: In this next cute tutorial I will be showing you how to draw a chick step by step. Now as you know chicks are baby chickens that have been born or hatched out from a chicken egg. Whenever new chicks or ducklings are born they are the cutest looking farm animals around. Now most of the time chicks are all fuzzy with a light yellow color and very cute. As you may or may not know chicks are given to children commonly on Easter along with baby rabbits and ducklings. Ducklings are also very cute and like the chick they share the same color when born. Chicks and ducklings do not get their colored feathers until a few months after birth. Did you know that chicks are also manufactured through plants that have machines? It’s true, egg laying chickens are made or manufactured through plants using technology and man. Chicken eggs are incubated for x amount of days until they are tested, vaccinated, and hatched. The baby chickens are then moved through a conveyor belt until they are packed and shipped to farmers across the world. I personally never seen or held a baby chick which means my experience is solely based on visual content. Either way whether seen in person or on the screen chicks are by far one of the cutest baby animals around. This tutorial will show you how to draw a chick step by step. This lesson is so easy, I am leaving it under novice. I hope you learn something new with this lesson and keep your eyes peeled for more exciting drawing tutorials coming your way. Peace out people.

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