How to draw a robot Unicorn Robot unicorn Attack


Let's start with the basic lines. A circle for the head, the long line for the neck, the oval for the back and the 4 lines below for the legs.


Now draw the head with the mane and horn like this.


And now, you'll sketch the basic shape of the robot Unicorn plus tail. Be sure not to draw those lines too thick, because you have to add details and it won't look so good,when you erase those certain lines and the spot's still visible.


Now add the details that are shown here. This is the body of the robot unicorn.


And this is how you draw the Robot Unicorn from Robot Unicorn Attack! Hope you liked it!

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June 21, 2012

Description: It toko me about 3 hours to draw the original image.. in this tutorial i'll show you how to draw the robot unicorn from the onlinegame "Robot Unicorn Attack"! I had so much fun to draw this and I hope you enjoy it and that it helps!

1 - Super Cool
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