How to Draw Donkey Kong Easy


Let us start off by drawing out a circle shape for Donkey's head. Add one horizontal facial guide like so.


We will now begin drawing the lower half of Donkey Kong's face. This is shaped like a great big apple. Draw the bumps for his nostrils, then add some dashes for the holes.


Next, let's make that great big smile upon his face. Start from one side of the mouth and begin drawing out the open smile. You can do this by making the top mouth line, then make one swoop for the bottom mouth line. Add a dimple under the mouth for    


Yup, you will now draw in the teeth. Make five vertical lines like so, then draw one straight horizontal line across the middle. When you are done you should end up with a set of some nice pearly whites.


As you can see here we will be tackling the task of drawing out the framed portion of Donkey Kong's face. Start by drawing an arbor shaped frame, then make the inner line which will be home to his eyes.


Before drawing Donkey Kong's eyes, let's draw out the shape of his melon of a head. You will also have to incorporate the shapes of his ears which are almost flush with the shaping of his head. Draw the cute little curl on the top like so, then move    


Now you can draw out the eyeballs and color in some pupils. Add some inner ear detailing then start erasing your lines and shapes that you made in step one, as well as along the way.


Here he is, all buttoned up and beautiful. Now all that is left to do is color in your work. I hope you enjoyed drawing Donkey Kong in an easy to follow manner.

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April 3, 2012

Description: Hey once again folks, welcome back to more drawing fun on I want to take some of you folks back to the past a bit with a lesson on "how to draw Donkey Kong easy", step by step. This is a face that I grew up with so when I drew him, I was flooded with fond memories of that took me back in time when I used to play Donkey Kong with my brother. Ever since I drew this big headed ape I get flash backs of playing the Donkey Kong game whenever I see a banana. This lesson is going to be super simple, and very exciting. It's probably one of my favorites tutorials that I will put up today. I will shut up now so you folks can get busy with drawing Donkey Kong easy. I shall return momentarily with a butt load of more drawing fun so stay tuned in or come back in a few. Peace out people and remember not to eat too many bananas.

#how to draw donkey kong characters
1 - Super Cool
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