How to Draw Wildflowers


Start the first step by drawing a total of four circle shapes for each flower you will draw.


You will begin this step by drawing four wild aster type flowers, and since they also look like daisies, you can draw some of those too. Once the flower pedals are drawn you can proceed to step three.


Next, draw some lupine flowers like so and as you can see these wildflowers are cone shaped with layers of pedals in uniform rows.


Next, you will draw in some more simple shaped flowers that resemble impatiens, but I think I was going for cosmos. Anyways, draw some detailing to the center of each flower like so, and then proceed to step five.


Sketch in more lupine flowers in the back ground which are also in a row of each other, or you can choose to add your own personal favorite wildflower species.


Here is when I add my own personal touch, but they are not in the form of your typical wildflower mix. I drew some tulip flowers because tulips is one of the most popular Spring flowers that are first seen when the weather breaks, and grass starts sp   


End this tutorial by sketching in some stems for your flowers as well as grass mixed in with the wildflower bed. Erase the mistakes you made along the way, and let's see how your drawing should look when you are done.


Look how pretty your wildflowers look. Now you can have a blast as you color in this wonderful drawing that represents Spring in every way.

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March 9, 2012

Description: I'm going to switch my attention over to Spring and easter for my last two tutorials and I will begin with Spring. Yesterday I went to the store to get some snacks, and before I knew it I was buying stuff that I didn't even need just because I suddenly went into a shopping mode. As I browsed around I came across the garden section and it was there that flower seeds caught my eye. A package in particular grabbed my attention and I think it's because of the floral picture that was on the cover of the seed packet. This tutorial is going to be on "how to draw wildflowers", step by step. I bought folur packs of wildflower seeds, and I have every intention of planting them next week in some starter peat moss pots to get the young blooms ready for April planting. I can not tell you how beautiful I think wildflowers are. The way that they all grow together with different varieties of flowers is a wonderful and peaceful site. Some wildflowers are wild asters, goldenrods, marigolds, lupine flowers, and many more. In the tutorial I drew some flower species that I would like to see in a garden bed, but of course this is just a concept drawing. Anyways, I think you will enjoy drawing wildflowers because they are incredibly entertaining to sketch out and color in once the sketch is inked out. I shall return with one more lesson for you all so stay tuned in folks.

#draw flowers
1 - Super Cool
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