How to Draw Captain Knuckles

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Okay as you can see this is going to be a very simple drawing lesson to tackle. You will start this step by drawing a narrow egg shape for the body of K'nuckles. Add a vertical line for the lid of his hat and then add the facial guidelines as well. Y   


You will now start drawing out the shape of his hat which is your typical style sailor hat. Once that is done add the shape of his eyes and then his teeth, nose and mouth. Draw out the rest of the shape of his body and then the arm and leg shapes.


As you can see this Flapjack star is looking more like himself. You will begin this step by drawing out the shapes of his eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth. Once that is done you will start drawing out the hands and the detailing on his jacket. The last   


This is your last drawing step and all you will do is draw out the strips on his shirt and add his pupils. Erase all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one and move to the final step.


This is what your image should look like when you are done. ALl you have to do now is color him in. You have just learned how to draw Captain K'nuckles from Flapjack step by step.

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November 6, 2008

Description: Welcome back fellow artist and members to this awesome tutorial website in the world. It is now time for me to submit a few more drawing lessons for all you avid artist out there who love learning something new every day. Today I am going to complete the Flapjack character collection by submitting a tutorial on "how to draw Captain K’nuckles" from Flapjack step by step. Now for those of you that watch this animated show that airs on Cartoon Network you already know that Captain K’nuckles is one of the main characters and he often influences young Flapjack to go on adventures that usually end up with the two of them in trouble. K’nuckles is an old washed up sailor that will also take Flapjack to see Peppermint Larry who owns a store called “The Candy Barrel” to get free candy by either stealing it or by persuading Peppermint Larry to give them some free treats. I like this character because he is funny and conniving even to his young buddy Flapjack. Despite what Bubbie might say to Captain K’nuckles, he always finds a way to take Flapjack away from reality. I absolutely love the show and because of that I wanted to complete the collection. I hope you will have fun learning "how to draw Captain K’nuckles" from Flapjack step by step. The instructions are easy to read and the steps are simple to follow. I will be back in a while with more drawing fun so stay tuned gang.

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